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Session 1

09:00 | Opening of the day, goals, agenda

09:15 | Exercise: Meet a new professor

09:30 | Keynote speaker: Dr. Andreas Jedlitschka, Fraunhofer Institute

10:30 Coffee break + networking (30 mins)
session 2

11:00 | Strategic activities (a 15min)

             – State of the software industry survey in Finland 2022 (Prof. Kari Smolander, LUT University)

             – Allied ICT Finland – Software Engineering (Prof. Kari Systä, University of Tampere)

             – SW4E – Software Engineering Ecosystem for Efficiency, Excellence, Experiments (Tomi Kankainen, DIMECC)

             – Major SE Research projects (Prof. Tommi Mikkonen, University of Jyväskylä)

12:00 lunch break
Session 3

13:00 | Keynote speaker: Prof. Ari Jaaksi, University of Jyväskylä)

14:00 | World Café, group work, coffee included

      – Tenure program

      – Research projects

      – SE education

      – Joint activities, collaboration

      – Other

16:30 | Results of the group work

17:00 | Round table discussion, next steps, feedback

17:30 | Closing of the day

Break to Social event

18:00 | Social event (PROFES 2022 Conference reception at Crazy Town)

Includes cocktail, dinner and drinks

22:00 End of the day